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FREE Farm Activity Pages For Your Kids

You can go directly to this page on our site to download your free pages now. Just scroll down the page and look for the freebie sign up. You'll get your pages instantly in an email.

baby wether goats in Mississippi
Free KuneKune Activity Pages

Or wait! If you want to participate in our new coloring book giveaway, you can visit our post on Facebook and share, comment, and sign up for the freebies. You'll be entered to win a free copy of our brand new release, K Is For KuneKune Coloring Book! One winner will be randomly chose tomorrow, October 20th, and announced on our Facebook page. Hurry and get your entry in!

ADGA registered and pet wether Nigerian Dwarf goats
Now available on Amazon
baby goat drinking a bottle
K Is For KuneKune Coloring Book: A is for animal

Go on an adorable farm coloring adventure from A to Z! Plus more!

Nigerian Dwarf colors and patterns broken buckskin
K Is For KuneKune Coloring Book: Z is for Zoomies

We love the variety of this cute landrace and wanted to celebrate what makes them so special in this coloring book for children (and adults too, of course). Our community hasn't had much on the market to represent us and our goal is to help change that. If you'd like to support a real life artistry from a real life farm, pick up your copy of K Is For KuneKune, available exclusively on Amazon.

Nigerian Dwarf breeder in the south
K Is For KuneKune: Rear cover


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